Thursday, June 20, 2013

ReFashion I: Vintage Wool Coat

You all know I love thrift stores, but part of their nature is that you might find something you like but it doesn't fit you. Or you would like it more if it was slightly different. Well, a while ago, I discovered and was majorly inspired. Since I don't own a sewing machine or dress form, I have been slow to start refashioning things (although I do have a small to-do pile in my closet).

Fast forward to one of the many thrift store trolling days I have with my sister, and me finding a lovely red, vintage wool coat that fits me perfectly! However, I am kind of a shorty and this coat was almost floor-length. TOO MUCH RED! Also, shoulder pads = ew. But it was half-price day and I loved it, so $2.50 coat came home with me.

The alterations were pretty easy. The coat has visible stitches anyway, so that made it pretty easy for me to hand-sew, since I just had to keep mine looking about the same, and now having to worry about the thread being seen.

My room was messy and my cell phone was old!

So long story short: I made a long coat short! And ripped out the shoulder pads, obviously. With the length hacked down, it is much more flattering on my short frame. I would call ReFashion I a success! Apologies for the crap pictures; I'll have to remember to haul out the tripod next time!

1 comment:

  1. I love what you did with it! Emphasizes your itty bitty waist!
